Sound Income Strategies Marks the Completed Move of Its FXED and DIVY ETF Listings to the Floor of The New York Stock Exchange

Wall Street sign with american flags and New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan, New York City, USA.

Sound Enhanced Fixed Income ETF (FXED) consistently among top performers in its Morningstar category (US Fund Conservative Allocation)

Fund has 5-star rating over 1- and 3-year time periods

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL. (June 27, 2024) – Sound Income Strategies, an SEC-registered RIA with approximately $3 billion in total assets under management across a range of investment solutions geared towards the financial advisor community, is today marking the fact that the firm’s two Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have completed the move from the NYSE Arca to the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

A direct listing on the floor of the NYSE brings with it a number of potential benefits which could serve to make these funds even more appealing to the marketplace, including tighter spreads, increased liquidity and larger quoted size trades.

The firm’s ETFs are:

· Sound Enhanced Fixed Income ETF (FXED), an actively managed fixed income ETF that seeks current income and the opportunity for capital appreciation by investing across investment grade and high yield bonds, Business Development Companies (BDCs), REITs and sovereign debt ETFs. · Sound Equity Income ETF (DIVY), an actively managed ETF that aims to pay out a dividend yield double that of the S&P 500 index. The fund invests in American companies that not only have a history of paying high dividends but which are also undervalued and bring growth potential as well.

Among the 150+ funds in its Morningstar category, FXED has been a consistent performer, rated 4 stars Overall and earning 5-star ratings over the 1- and 3-year periods ending 1/31/24. The fund was the top performer in its category (US Fund Conservative Allocation) for 2023 and remains in the top ten of all performers in its category through June 20th of this year, out of 150+ funds.

“Savvy investors and advisors are drawn to the role that a blended corporate credit income strategy like FXED can play in a portfolio, and the fund’s track record is a testament to a focused approach and unwavering commitment in the firm’s income investment philosophy,” said James McConaghy, Director of Distribution, Western Division with Sound Income Strategies, “while the highly differentiated dividend-focused approach of DIVY has the potential to deliver both strong current income and growth potential.”

“We’re pleased that both FXED and DIVY are now direct listed on the floor of the NYSE and we look forward to continuing to educate the marketplace about how our active strategies can solve for some of today’s most daunting investment challenges,” added Edward Rumell, Director of Distribution, Eastern Division with Sound Income Strategies.

For more information on Sound Income Strategies and its parent company Sound Income Group, please visit:

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About Sound Income Group

Sound Income Group comprises three full-service firms offering marketing, coaching, practice management, investment services, and franchise opportunities for the financial community. It operates Retirement Income Source, a national network of Income Specialists who help clients establish steady streams of income; Advisors’ Academy, a recruiting and marketing firm, and Sound Income Strategies, LLC, a registered RIA with more approximately 3 billion assets under management (AUM). Learn more at

Investment advisory services are offered through Sound Income Strategies, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Advisory firm. Sound Income Group, Advisors’ Academy, Retirement Income Source, LLC and Sound Income Strategies, LLC are associated entities.


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